My Political Ideology

On Monday Midnight, I was watching the T.V. and every commercial break would involve the recent election we have had for the federal government. It got me wondering what is my ideology toward politics and why should I support this type of Canadian political party.
I believe in a Canada that is not ruled by state authority, but is free for all peoples. Freedom of choice should be the main concern of the Canadian people. This should be closely followed by respector authority, by allowing it to intervene when it can benefit everyone. People may need a guide at times to keep a moral view. But strict rules are unnecessary as people are essentially good. Traditions, while they should be respected as they are a part of cultural heritage, must be scrutinized to ensure they will not prove detrimental to anyone or to the advancement of Canada. Finally, Canada must focus on the environment. We need to find innovative, sustainable resources to combat the most prominent threat of global warming. This said, my ideals follow the libertarian ideology and are best used to support the Liberal Party of Canada.
By allowing a group or individual to hold power over another may provide Canada with economic growth. A quicker political decision-making process and even a stronger military would also help. However, this would essentially force Canadians to relinquish their freedom and basic rights by giving another the power to oppress them. This would prevent Canadians from developing in a manner that allows them to achieve their full potential. This also destroys the innate dignity of the individual, forcing him/her to conform to the ideologies of another. This power will quickly corrupt even the purest of intentions. Greed is one of the strongest underlying weaknesses of the human condition. This will force Canadians into a detrimental state of oppression. The Liberal party of Canada strives to bring equality to the forefront of Canada in an effort to allow people to “become healthier, better educated, more secure, and better equipped to be strong players in the economy.” (
Freedom of choice should be considered a main concern of all Canadians. By developing individuality and encouraging multiculturalism, Canada can become economically, politically, and socially stronger. Individuals will be able to pursue their strengths and grow to their full potential, thus being able to contribute more effectively to Canada’s economy. Politically, Canada will be able to broaden its focal points, allowing for a greater understanding of issues from a variety of viewpoints. Socially, Canada will become more accepting of other peoples as we will have the ability to take a global view of all nations. This is a major focal point of the Liberal party which I would support.
Finally and most importantly, the Liberal party is deeply concerned with the state of the environment. The Liberal party is focused on building a “sustainable, green economy with policies that are both good for the planet and good for our wallets”( This belief coincides with my standpoint on the issue of global warming. By building “a sustainable, green economy”, we will be able preserve our planet and even reduce some of the destruction that we have done to it. This ideology is supported wholeheartedly by the Liberal party, and is beneficial for not only Canada, but the world as a whole.
In short, the Canadian political party that I would choose to support is the Liberal Party of Canada. The Liberal Party supports my ideologies in authority, freedom of choice, and the environmental issues currently facing the earth. By ensuring a strong position to face all three of these stances, Canada will be better able to face any issue that it is confronted with. In my opinion, and based on my ideologies, the Liberal Party of Canada is the ideal party for me to give support to.

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