Poverty around the World

Poverty- Big Issue
The impact of poverty has affected our world for centuries and is still one of the major problems each nation’s faces. I was reading an article called ``Poverty around the World`` by Anup Shah. She introduces what is poverty and how poverty is measured. First of all, poverty to my understanding, is the developing world, because through my reading and the median. When someone think of poverty, the very things comes to mind is developing countries like Zimbabwe, Mexico and etc. but after reading this article my point of view on Poverty has shifted. Poverty does not only refer to people who do not have money; poverty can be interpreted of not having a strong nation (that is, the government’s inability to protect and the citizen, provide resources to meet their basic needs. Anup Shah gives examples of how the developed country is a strong nation, but sill the majority of citizen still struggle to survive or to keep up with living standard of living. In the article, Shah mentioned `` Human development is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development id thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means- if a very important one-of enlarging people choices`` ( Shah, Poverty Around the World). I agree with this because if people have more choices that will allow them to seek their future that would help them live a normal life. Then in developing world one some of the most important needs is the right to equity and the right to vote and to ask for a change. One of the reasons why the developing nations are struggling is because the majority of its population it`s illiterate. On the media you see videos talking about having developed nations to lend a hand by send money, which would, hopeful cover the problem. In order or the developing world to step into translation model, the solution would not be a bandage, but a long plan that will work through time; as increasing the access to Health care, as well as increasing the literacy rate of the nation.

Shah Anup. The Poverty Around, Wednesday, September 03, 2008http://www.globalissues.org/article/4/poverty-around-the-world

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