The Tragedy of The Commons

Recently in class we were introduced to an essay “The Commons” written by Garrett Hardin. This essay was published nearly 40 years ago, but the message in this essay with free access and unrestricted demands for un-renewable resources ultimately dooms the earth resources through over-greedy. This occurs because the humans are greedy to what they “Want and Needs”, each person is motivated to maximize use of the resource to the point in which they become reliant on it, while the costs of using the resources are been demand to an increase that will exhausted these undeniable resources or any resources for this matter. Garrett point out in his essay the only thing that causes this problem is the human population growth. He also focused on the use of large resources that are becoming scarcely over time, these resources includes the earth’s atmosphere and oceans, as well as pointing out the “negative commons” of pollution (i.e. instead of dealing with the deliberate privatisation of a positive resources, a “negative commons” deals with the deliberate communisation of a negative cost, pollution). Garrett only focusing on one main issues that the population growth, in my opinion that not the only reason why they resources are become scarcely , there is another reason why the commons; The Tragedy of the Commons” continue because of people greedy, the death rate and birth rate, our life expectancy has increase over the last decade, today doctors expect the average life expectancy is over 80, and not that our education has increased dramatically over the years, which makes the person to want more of what they want, not just the necessarily needs, because the person image of what is the perfect life has change, it’s not only to be healthy, get married and have a family. Today at least 70% of the population want the glamorous life, of been rich, and today society is willing to do anything to get that life. Even if it destroyed the earth!

Poverty around the World

Poverty- Big Issue
The impact of poverty has affected our world for centuries and is still one of the major problems each nation’s faces. I was reading an article called ``Poverty around the World`` by Anup Shah. She introduces what is poverty and how poverty is measured. First of all, poverty to my understanding, is the developing world, because through my reading and the median. When someone think of poverty, the very things comes to mind is developing countries like Zimbabwe, Mexico and etc. but after reading this article my point of view on Poverty has shifted. Poverty does not only refer to people who do not have money; poverty can be interpreted of not having a strong nation (that is, the government’s inability to protect and the citizen, provide resources to meet their basic needs. Anup Shah gives examples of how the developed country is a strong nation, but sill the majority of citizen still struggle to survive or to keep up with living standard of living. In the article, Shah mentioned `` Human development is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development id thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means- if a very important one-of enlarging people choices`` ( Shah, Poverty Around the World). I agree with this because if people have more choices that will allow them to seek their future that would help them live a normal life. Then in developing world one some of the most important needs is the right to equity and the right to vote and to ask for a change. One of the reasons why the developing nations are struggling is because the majority of its population it`s illiterate. On the media you see videos talking about having developed nations to lend a hand by send money, which would, hopeful cover the problem. In order or the developing world to step into translation model, the solution would not be a bandage, but a long plan that will work through time; as increasing the access to Health care, as well as increasing the literacy rate of the nation.

Shah Anup. The Poverty Around, Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Bowling for Columbine

After watching a documentary “ Bowling for Columbine” by Michael Moore. This documentary was only opened in limited number of theatres, and there are even some states where it’s not being showed at all. Bowling for Columbine examined the American culture, and one of the biggest question that kept coming up was ‘Why he United states has 12,127 murder per year while every other major western country, from Canada to Japan to Great Britain, have gun killing in the low hundreds or less. In fact, each has a murder rate less than 1/10 that of the U.S. the film, for example, points out how Canada has almost the same number of guns per capita, 7 million guns for 10 million families, and that people in all of the western countries have access to the same violent games, movies and pornography that Americans do. Some countries have more of it than America. So why is there such a dramatically higher level of gun violence here?
Moore makes sure to look at all levels of American society for the answers. He tried on confronting different people and giving their point of view of the situation, with the pressure of the camera. Specializes in confronting corporate PR hacks, and trying to pressure them on camera, was a great method to use. But one thing that surprised me not only does Moore not settle for blaming working people, and often given flimsy reason for the high levels of gun violence in America-violent movies and video games, Marilyn Manson, etc. He also appropriately points to the racism that is integral to much of the paranoia about crime, the blatant opportunism of the media and the violence of U.S. foreign policy.
Marilyn Manson who suggests that the media, corporate America and current government policy work together to maintain a continual cycle of what Manson describes as “fear and consumption”. Americans have learned to fear “the other”- black and minorities, their neighbours, killer bees from Africa, and of course Arabs. Murder and other crimes are significantly dropping, yet guns, security devices and gated community purchases have been significantly rising, and media coverage of violent crimes has risen 600% during a time when the actual levels of these crimes have dropped 20%. The film makes the case that by being bombarded with advertising that plays on peoples’ fears and personal insecurities; Americans are induced to consume to feel better.
Bowling for Columbine is definitely entertaining and thought provoking, and stone-cold silence during the tragic and horrifying sequences, such as the viewing of the security camera takes during Columbine High School Massacre.

Bowling for Columbine By Michael Moore

The Last King of Scotland

After watching The Last King of Scotland, I was impressed to see a leader in power of a million of citizen, who has no background or even a great education to begin with. This movie is based on a true events the leader of Uganda Idi Amin and his personal physician Nicholas Garrigan. I already knew Idi Amin but I did not know as much information about him as I do now. All I knew about him, that he was a loathed figure of the 20th century, who begins butchering everyone in sight, because of his greed to the thrown and power. This movie The Last King of Scotland does a great job in revealing how jovial, bigotry, and buoyant Amin was. Even those in the begin he was seen as a charismatic and magnetic person who is done to earth with his follower citizen when he is public speaking, charming and hypnotizing the citizen of Uganda with his words. That he is equally loving and charming but truly he is murderous and cruel and that is what this film is so masterful at revealing.
Amin Public Speaking.
The Last King of Scotland begins not in Uganda, but in Scotland. There, Nicholas Garrigan graduates from medical school and prepares to settle down to a dull, bland medical practice with his doctor father. We’re only given one scene with Garrigan senior but it is enough to justify the younger’s frustrated scream out loud later when contemplating his fate. Instead, the fool-hearty Garrigan comes up with a fool-proof plan: spin a globe and wherever his finger first falls, that’s where he’ll go.
Not quite wild enough for Garrigan’s tastes. Spin again.
Uganda. So be it.
And that when Idi Amin story begins, Garrigan is introduced to General Idi Amin, a military general who has just disposed of the corrupt and inept administration in which he formerly served. Fascinated by the young European, Amin shows him the presidential palace, wines and dines him, lavishes him with gifts and begs him to become his personal physician. When Garrigan half protests that he came to Africa to treat its hurting people, Amin tells him that if Uganda’s population is the body, he is the head — how better to serve Uganda than to ensure the head is healthy.
At first everything is perfect. Garrigan spends most of his time as a playboy, only rarely consulting at the city’s main hospital. His visits to Amin are frequent but more often for cocktails than complaints. However, the more time he spends around Amin, the more he comes to realize that all is not as it seems. After an assassination attempt on Amin’s life that Garrigan is witness to, the true character of his benefactor’s loathsome and murderous nature is revealed.
Garrigan and Amin 3rd wife
“He’s always been like this,” Amin’s neglected third wife and Garrigan’s secret lover, tells him. “He simply chose not to show you until now.” I was honestly shocked by what his third wife has said. Every person has a hidden side of them, but to be compared to Idi’s Amin hidden side, this person is a puppet master who plays with people on the strings. And not only that European men who pulled the strings in order to hand Amin the throne, it was only a quest for Britain’s self interested, they have truly prominent a mad man, to care of thousand of Citizen who need help in developing.
After watching the film I thought it was a well made movie, with a cautionary tale on the terrible dangers of self absorptions and self centered who a person come to greedy of power. But a friend of mine brought up a disturbing question: To what extended are we as the Western world willing to help those who are less unfortunate because of the idiocy of the Government.

It's Reality

the picture i have choosen represten many different meaning. every single person will intrupet this picture into their own personal meaning. For me it means more than a picture. its is true, that many children die, and does not have the chance to live, this could be because of proverty and Aids, and etc. But not because of War. Having to die from War, from people greedy and their self consience is ubsered in my opinion. And what hurts more, is that we are in the 21 century, while people are looking for the future and what advancing. The Middle East Conflict is still going on for a century, and when a resolution seems to be in a peek, one side breaks that peek. I think if no solution could be found for the sake of children on both side, another party has to come and aid this conflict to be resolove. At first it migh be difficult, but i am sure when everyone is asked what they want, like Palestein only want their land back and the right to have access into the mosque, and i am sure of Iseralian want piece as well. But when you have to government leader fighting on what is righfully mine than this resoulition will not be soloved . And what hurts the more is the helpless people are in the middle and take they attack. Like in the picture above.

This is what happen when you don't have a heart
Those innoncent children, they have done nothing, no deal with the devils, or even spoke their first words.
And what they deserve, as you see, no hope to live

and you would hope, their sould will die in peace
but it die slowly, as their blood sink into the soul of Gaza, and that how their spirit will live on in the heart of Gaza, tears of the mother will rejoin, their children soul and once again will reunit, for one more time in their life time.

It doesn't matter about the fears,
Anger, laughter or the tears,

The joke is on us and the fall is loud,
Through the thickness of hate like a cloud,

People muttering unknown words,
The sound of danger like a rumble of herds,

People running, screaming in panic,
Giant twins crumbling, sinking like titanic,

And as the sun sets in the great city,
The joke is on us it's no longer a dream,

The joke is on us it's no longer a dream,
It's a Reality.

Invisible Children: The Rough Cut

Invisible Children: The Rough Cut is a film about the plight of child soldiers and night commuters in northern Uganda. The documentary was filmed in 2003 when three young men from Southern California—Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey and Laren Poole (then 24, 21, and 20)—who wanted to explore, concur Uganda, “to find a story” and hoping to leave as soldiers. While looking for their story of understand the effect of the war that was twenty year long. But instead, their adventure took them to a more sever harsh environment, where thousands of people are affected by the brutality and attacks of a rebel group known as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). This film was first screened on June 22, 2204 at the Joan B Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice at the University of San Diego to friends and family of the Filmmakers. Soon after, the documentary became and international debate in United States among student, after an overwhelming public response, everyone wanted to help those Invisible children who have faced a harsh living standard at such a young age. And with this, the filmmakers took responsibilities of building a nonprofit organization called Invisible Children Inc. After watching this film in Global issues class, it was divesting to see little children no older than my siblings, have to live in extreme environment of violence fearing for their life every minute. Invisible Children walking running away from the LRA
A normal day would consisted of waking up early, washing up for prayer, trying to get whatever food they could find , and the food they eat, to our living standard you would never have the guts to even see the sight of it. After that they gather whatever belongs: which is one sleeping mat, maybe a blanket and what every clothing material on their body. After that comes traveling bare footed tremendously amount of miles to a next safe place, which is extremely crowed with people, who fear the LRA. While seeing this, thousand of bodies big and small squished together, I and many other of my classmate though they were dead, but somehow their strength and spirit keeps on living, and hoping for the best to come.
Massive of bodies, fighting for air and a place to sleep for the night.
I know this documenter was shown for the purpose to get us aware and it did, but how much can a person due, when he is not the person in power. I understand they need money, which a lot of us have and more willing to donate to help those who are less unfortunate. But in my opinion the problem should be tackled at a micro spot which is to let the government of Uganda stand up for its people and put a stop to LRA. Having living in middle east, my parents have had witness these harsh living standard, and many other citizen received help from the western world and other developed countries, but that did not erase the bigger problem. Because the country needs its strength of its citizen, but when you have half of the citizen living in fear, than no matter how much money is put into to erase people pain, the bigger problem will still be in action. In this case the LRA and maybe a new leader should be elected who can put a stop to this.


For those who wants to make a donation here is the site.

My Political Ideology

On Monday Midnight, I was watching the T.V. and every commercial break would involve the recent election we have had for the federal government. It got me wondering what is my ideology toward politics and why should I support this type of Canadian political party.
I believe in a Canada that is not ruled by state authority, but is free for all peoples. Freedom of choice should be the main concern of the Canadian people. This should be closely followed by respector authority, by allowing it to intervene when it can benefit everyone. People may need a guide at times to keep a moral view. But strict rules are unnecessary as people are essentially good. Traditions, while they should be respected as they are a part of cultural heritage, must be scrutinized to ensure they will not prove detrimental to anyone or to the advancement of Canada. Finally, Canada must focus on the environment. We need to find innovative, sustainable resources to combat the most prominent threat of global warming. This said, my ideals follow the libertarian ideology and are best used to support the Liberal Party of Canada.
By allowing a group or individual to hold power over another may provide Canada with economic growth. A quicker political decision-making process and even a stronger military would also help. However, this would essentially force Canadians to relinquish their freedom and basic rights by giving another the power to oppress them. This would prevent Canadians from developing in a manner that allows them to achieve their full potential. This also destroys the innate dignity of the individual, forcing him/her to conform to the ideologies of another. This power will quickly corrupt even the purest of intentions. Greed is one of the strongest underlying weaknesses of the human condition. This will force Canadians into a detrimental state of oppression. The Liberal party of Canada strives to bring equality to the forefront of Canada in an effort to allow people to “become healthier, better educated, more secure, and better equipped to be strong players in the economy.” (
Freedom of choice should be considered a main concern of all Canadians. By developing individuality and encouraging multiculturalism, Canada can become economically, politically, and socially stronger. Individuals will be able to pursue their strengths and grow to their full potential, thus being able to contribute more effectively to Canada’s economy. Politically, Canada will be able to broaden its focal points, allowing for a greater understanding of issues from a variety of viewpoints. Socially, Canada will become more accepting of other peoples as we will have the ability to take a global view of all nations. This is a major focal point of the Liberal party which I would support.
Finally and most importantly, the Liberal party is deeply concerned with the state of the environment. The Liberal party is focused on building a “sustainable, green economy with policies that are both good for the planet and good for our wallets”( This belief coincides with my standpoint on the issue of global warming. By building “a sustainable, green economy”, we will be able preserve our planet and even reduce some of the destruction that we have done to it. This ideology is supported wholeheartedly by the Liberal party, and is beneficial for not only Canada, but the world as a whole.
In short, the Canadian political party that I would choose to support is the Liberal Party of Canada. The Liberal Party supports my ideologies in authority, freedom of choice, and the environmental issues currently facing the earth. By ensuring a strong position to face all three of these stances, Canada will be better able to face any issue that it is confronted with. In my opinion, and based on my ideologies, the Liberal Party of Canada is the ideal party for me to give support to.